Design Requirements
Please carefully review our digital signage requirements. Content that does not follow the below criteria will be returned with necessary edits to be made by the requester before resubmitting a digital signage request.
- Follow the Zachry building digital signage best practices.
- Files must be in a PNG or JPG format.
- Large ads must be 1,920 x 1,080 pixels (horizontal, 16:9), at 72 PPI (pixels per inch).
- Medium ads must be 456 x 749 pixels (vertical), at 72 PPI. (Medium/vertical ads can ONLY be displayed in the Zachry building.
- QR codes must be accompanied by web URL text (preferably a short URL such as,, etc.).
- Files must not exceed 2 MB.
Acceptable Types of Content
Types of content that are acceptable for digital signage in the Zachry Engineering Education Complex include:
- Timely promotional material for engineering events, activities and programs.
- Announcements that are relevant to Texas A&M University College of Engineering students.
- Universitywide initiatives and announcements.
Note: The approval of content is ultimately up to the discretion of Engineering Communications.
Types of Content We Cannot Accept
Texas A&M Engineering buildings are non-public forum buildings, and therefore are restricted to use for the intended purpose and are not available for public expressive activity. (See Appendix XI: Texas A&M Rules on Freedom of Expression).
Types of content that are not accepted for digital signage inside the Zachry building include:
- Personal or political statements.
- Copyrighted materials or content used without permission or the proper licenses.
- Classified ads.
- The promotion of items for commercial products, services or events.